About Us

Travel Consultant Agency In Johannesburg

A family-run travel business with a spark for adventure.

Our Story

My career began in 1981 as a Travel Consultant at Ava Travel and at the age of seventeen years old. I progressed to Novo Mundo Travel followed by Holiday Travel where at the age of twenty-three years old, I was given the responsibility of running the Holiday Travel office. I then worked at Lusoglobo Travel for thirteen years and after that Artour Travel for twelve and a half years, maintaining a Travel Managerial position for both agencies.

In June 2012, I took a courageous step and started working for myself. It was an extremely challenging time as I had a lot to figure out in the business world. To this day, it has been the greatest decision I have ever made.

My son Paulo accompanied me in 2016 and as we joined forces, I put forward my past experience and he introduced modern technology and refreshing ideas. Paulo encouraged me to grow the Business and in April 2019, I opened my very own office in Aspen Business Park. There is not doubt that we mutually strengthen the agency with our expertise and devotedness.

At Bettencourt Travel, a clients’ requirements are always taken to at heart and we will do everything possible to meet their needs. It is continually so motivating and exhilarating to see a dream holiday come true. Service is my priority and going the extra mile has helped me maintain my clientele for over thirty years.

Contact us now for more information or additionally, view our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Our Team


Managing Director

Paulo - Bettencourt Travel Consultant


Travel Manager